You don’t always get what you want.
Late in my career and dare I say, my age, too, I had wanted one last kick at the barrel.
I did have a terrific life with a few interruptions, but a husband who encouraged me from fashion writing to travel.
But this trip in particular always topped the list. However, this entire episode became my Number One worst-ever experience. It proved I have the chutzpah and moved on.
I have been to 104 countries, no small feat. I loved the luxury of many of the trips but was able to overcome with pity by the poverty that comes with some territories. I see these adventures as a learning experience and get involved in a charity when I return.
I booked my Trans Atlantic-only, non-stop trip, got a suite in the Princess section (nothing but the best on this long-awaited trip) to the Southampton UK docks leaving from the docks in New Jersey.
One must be at the Toronto Pearson Airport 3 hours before leaving although New York is only 1 ½ hours by plane.. I’m an early riser and compulsive organizer, so my limo to the terminal was waiting at 6 am. With little traffic at that time, I was there in 20 minutes from downtown Toronto where to live. I was assured that someone from the Queen M would be there to get me to the ship.

Unfortunately, New York City had had a violent rainstorm the night before, therefore there were many backups, delays and cancellations. Finally, I could see that my flight was not going anywhere so I quickly rushed to another airline counter going to NYC. I bought the last ticket. And again soon there were delays but no cancellations. “Ah, that was a good omen,” I thought. Although the flight had been delayed, I still had the chance of being able to board re. the time schedule.
I was hungry so I sat at a counter and guess what, my credit cards were declined and I only had cash. That’s the start of another episode.
Enter the new world of a CASHLESS SOCIETY – CREDIT CARDS ONLY.
My bank had seen funny activity, three, $5000 was asked by the scammers. There was no way the bank could contact me or may not even have tried.
What to do now? Choices – I could be home in a few hours, but that didn’t feel right. I decided to stay overnight at a nearby hotel, and phoned my London-based daughter with the great news that I was coming a week earlier.
Then more difficulty. It was also a Civil Holiday in the US so all nearby and less expensive hotels were filled. With luck, I had a taxi driver, Marlon, who took me to various other hotels (probably 10) and all were overflowing.
We finally found a fine hotel with only one room to fill, not inexpensive. I may add since we were getting closer to the city. “Pay now, please.”‘ And they didn’t take cash. Marlon, paid for the room. some food, and his trip. I paid him in cash.
For the first time in my travel experiences, I was terrified, I called my credit card for help, they couldn’t help. Someone was trying to get into my credit cards. “What were my passwords? “There was one password I didn’t recall ever needing or using. The others were all being declined.
I located a currency converter, purchased an available ticket. In cash.
The end of this horror story is that I will never pass a street-walking, homeless woman without giving her cash, I will never forgive my bank with whom I have worked for over 50 years.
No credit card, no food, no entry into the lounge and where would I sleep tonight?
Some people have those concerns every day. I am fortunate to know that isn’t my situation.
THE END. …. AND AN ADD ON.…I had a marvellous time in London with a side trip by Barbara by rail for the day, to see a museum and eat a grand meal.
Always travel with two different bank credit cards.
Take a few deep breaths and then make your decision.
Take a list of all your passwords…most important.